How To Use Coupons To Maximize Savings


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These days, we could all use a little extra money-saving advice. If you’ve never tried coupons or are an old pro at it, you will learn something new in the following article. Clipping coupons, printing coupons and knowing when and where to use them! Read on for some very helpful tips!

Buy more than one Sunday paper so you can get doubles and even triples of your favorite coupon. Some establishments will allow you to use more than one coupon if you are buying more than one item. This will bring your savings to a whole other level than you ever thought.

Only use coupons for products that you will actually use. You won’t save any money by purchasing items that your family does not need or brands that you don’t like just because you have a coupon. Cutting out coupons for items you don’t use also costs you time, which could be better spent.

Educate yourself before you get started couponing. Know what various terms mean. Become familiar with the policies of your local store. For example, can you use both a store coupon and a manufacturer’s coupon on the same item? Does your store double coupons? Understanding the process will save you time and frustration.

The Internet is frequently a better resource for coupons than the old-fashioned Sunday newspaper. Coupons for many different products can be easily found online. Clipping is unnecessary; printers eliminate this hassle!

It is a good idea to have a large coupon holder and organizer. This way when you are clipping coupons, you will be organized and know exactly where to look for it. If it is large, you will have plenty of room to clip all the coupons you find and possibly trade them with others.

Double your savings by using two coupons when purchasing more than one of the same item. If your store is having a sale and you have two coupons, consider purchasing two of the same thing to maximize your savings. This can be especially beneficial if your store is having a buy one get one free sale.

Request all the free sample offers you can find. Not only will you get the free sample in the mail, but often times you’ll receive a coupon for the item as well. Coupons that come with free samples tend to be higher value than others, so you’ll get a great sample and a great deal!

Learn about “stacking.” Stacking refers to the policy of some stores which allows you to use both a store coupon and a manufacturer’s coupon on one item. Using this policy can help you reduce the price of an item drastically, in some cases even making it free. Pay close attention to store coupons, and match them up often.

Know your coupon lingo. You may not be aware of the things that you can do with your coupons. Look out for “coupon deals.” These are store promotions where the stores double the savings. Keep an eye out for ‘stackable’ coupons. These are coupons that you can use multiple of, stacking up the savings. When you know the lingo, you’ll be ready to take advantage of the opportunities.

Clip out coupons of items that you will purchase frequently. By doing this, you’ll prevent yourself from buying items you don’t need, which could actually decrease your grocery budget. Buying products you don’t want or need is what some people stop using coupons altogether for. This strategy also helps you to keep all of your coupons neatly collected and ordered.

Organize your coupons by the expiration date. You might find, when you start clipping, that you are collecting a bountiful supply of coupons for the same item. If you organize these coupons by the expiration date, you will make sure to use the ones that expire first during your next trip, and save the others for a later date. This helps you to take advantage of all the savings you have gathered.

Before you buy anything, look for a coupon. Oftentimes, there are coupons available online that are not advertised elsewhere. Use a search engine to see if there is a coupon you can print for that next purchase. Do this even if that purchase is small. Even the small savings add up quickly.

Make sure that you are respectful when you use coupons. You do not want to try and play games with any store by arguing about coupons that you know won’t work. Some stores put stricter guidelines in place for coupons and everyone ends up losing in the end.

You may know to subscribe to the Sunday paper; however, you should also subscribe to magazines that offer coupons. Check online for circulars that are popular within the couponing community. Often, these magazines will have garnered great coupons that are hard to find, if not impossible to find, anywhere else.

Keep an eye out for stores that accept competitor coupons. Some stores will match prices and take coupons regardless of the store the coupon was made for. Be aware of stores like these. If you happen to be at one, go ahead and use your coupons rather than going around to several different stores.

Prior to heading out to shop, make certain that your coupons are along for the ride. You must have coupons with you to use them.

Use a system for keeping your coupons tidy and organized. Envelopes, binders or expandable files are all great tools. Not only, being organized keep you from forgetting to use your coupons, but it saves time at the register. Preparing ahead of time keeps you from having to dig for and sort coupons while checking out, leading to quick grocery trips.

Pennies quickly add up to dollars and over the course of a year, you could literally save thousands by putting coupons to work for you. Hopefully this article has taught you a few new ways to make coupons keep more cash in your pocket and less of it going to the cashier!


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