Save More Cash With These Fantastic Coupon Tips


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The prices of items in stores have risen to unbearable levels. People are cutting back on their purchases because they can’t afford to buy some items. It may seem like there is no solution in sight, but there actually is one. Coupons are an easy way to combat high store prices, and you can see how to utilize them in the following article.

To help you get the most out of your coupon usage, you should strive to only use coupons on items that you actually use. Oftentimes people cut out the coupons and end up buying things they do not need. This ends up in you overspending on items that you would never have bought.

Take advantage of grocery-store competition. Coupons for one store can often be used at the competition’s store. This can help you save money and avoid traveling to many different stores. You save with your coupons, and you save gas money in the process.

Organize your coupons in a way that makes sense to you. Maybe you want to keep all the coupons for baby things together, and you want to keep all the food coupons together. You might even decide to sort them by brand. However you organize them, make sure you can remember what you’ve done.

Store your coupons in little plastic baggies. This will save you time when you’re looking for one in particular, and they keep them looking neat. They won’t go flying all around the place, and they won’t get wet. Storing coupons in these little bags makes sense and will help you save.

Acquire copies of the couponing policies at the stores you frequent, and keep them in your coupon binder on each shopping trip. Having this policies in writing can help to clear up any misunderstandings at the register quickly. Many stores make their policies regarding coupons available on their web sites.

Keep your coupons organized. If you are using a lot of coupons, it is important that you keep track of them. File them by the type of product they are for and how much they can save you. Be sure to keep an eye on any coupons that could be expiring soon.

Sign up for a coupon trading circle with other women. You can do this online or in your local area. You will find coupons from places you do not know about and maybe trade away once for items that you are already stocked up on, or that you know you will never use.

Know your coupon lingo. You may not be aware of the things that you can do with your coupons. Look out for “coupon deals.” These are store promotions where the stores double the savings. Keep an eye out for ‘stackable’ coupons. These are coupons that you can use multiple of, stacking up the savings. When you know the lingo, you’ll be ready to take advantage of the opportunities.

To truly maximize your coupon benefits, you should learn coupon jargon. These are words that you will see on various coupons. Some popular coupon terms are “BOGO,” “MIR,” and “OYNO.” These terms mean, “Buy One Get One,” “Mail-In Rebate,” and “On Your Next Order.” Taking the time to learn these terms and many more can really boost your savings.

Join like-minded people on forums and social networks to really empower your couponing. Few things are loved by more people and with such passion as saving money, so find a site where people share their tips, codes and strategies to saving more money with the use of money saving coupons.

Use every medium available to collect your coupons. You can find them locally in newspapers, mailers and on receipts. They are also available online on store websites, manufacturers’ websites, Facebook, Twitter and on a specific coupon- collecting sites. Always keep your eyes open for coupons to save the most money.

When using coupons, it is important to recognize that small amounts of money add up over time into large amounts. Coupon savings of only 10 or 25 cents may not seem like very much, but you would be surprised at just how much money these small value coupons will end up saving you over your life time. Save little to save big.

Be a conscientious coupon-clipper by never wiping the shelf clean, especially for-sale items. Buying the last two of a given item is understandable, but purchasing twenty of an item with limited stock is frustrating to other shoppers. If you know that you will be purchasing several of the same item, call the store a few days in advance to see whether they will order extra.

Never buy something that you don’t need just because you have a coupon. Don’t buy an item you don’t use just because you can get it at a bargain price. A lot of people think they’re getting a good deal just because they have a coupon for it. So make sure that you’re only purchasing items that you’re going to use immediately or in the near future.

Sign up for the mailing lists of your favorite stores and brands. Many companies send out coupons to people subscribed to their list that aren’t available otherwise. Stores also send valuable store-specific coupons like a percentage of your purchase or a dollar amount off a purchase of a certain amount.

If you have lots of coupons, try to shop on off-peak hours. Many people who are shopping right after work are simply picking up a handful of groceries for dinner. If you come in with your massive pack of coupons and hold up a line for an extended period, you’ll certainly get some frowns from your neighbors.

Do you see how easy it is to counteract the rising cost of items in stores? You can do it as long as you have coupons. The coupons are your magic ticket to saving money on the items you need, so don’t hesitate to clip them and take them on your next shopping trip.


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